13 “M’s” To Be This Week
Terry Small posted the following 13 “M’s” to be this week: 1. Be miracle-minded. 2. Be magical. 3. Be magnificent. 4. Be meditative. 5. Be magnetic. 6. Be merry. 7. Read more about 13 “M’s” To Be This Week[…]
Terry Small posted the following 13 “M’s” to be this week: 1. Be miracle-minded. 2. Be magical. 3. Be magnificent. 4. Be meditative. 5. Be magnetic. 6. Be merry. 7. Read more about 13 “M’s” To Be This Week[…]
Lachlan Brown posted a fascinating article on the 8 harsh realities of life that I try to live by but don’t always succeed. However, they are great reminders to live Read more about 8 Harsh Realities of Life[…]
Gavin McCormack posted an interesting article about why teachers are struggling during this pandemic. I can personally relate to his article. McCormack states that teachers are not struggling because learning Read more about Why Teachers Are Struggling[…]
I love the following 10 tips for becoming a great leader which I found on LinkedIn by Leadership First: 1. Lead by example. 2. Encourage others to grow. 3. Have Read more about The 10 Most Important Tips For Becoming a Great Leader[…]
Lolly Daskal posted an interesting article on how to become a great leader. She states that we need to ask ourselves these questions weekly. 1. What did I learn from Read more about Want to Be a Great Leader?[…]
Gavin McCormack posted these 10 lessons we need to teach our children: 1. When we fail, when things go wrong or break, that’s the moment when we truly learn the Read more about 10 Lessons Every Child needs to Learn[…]
Lolly Daskal posted an article on LinkedIn about what CEO’s really want from their coaches. Most of them want some form of counselling on their leadership skills. Whatever your current Read more about This is What CEO’s Really Want From Their Coach[…]
David Geurin posted the following about influence: “Influence happens when your example shows up in someone. It might be helpful or harmful. Kindness amplifies influence.” I totally agree with this Read more about 5 Powerful Amplifiers of Influence[…]
Terry Small posted the following on Twitter: 1. Be Imaginative 2. Be Interested 3. Be Improvising 4. Be Idealistic 5. Be Ingenious 6. Be Independent 7. Be Inquisitive 8. Be Read more about Eleven “I’s” to Be This Week[…]
ChetnaMindfulness posted the following tips to stay fit during this lockdown: 1. Maintain a routine Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep and some exercise. 2. Express gratitude This Read more about Mindfulness and Compassionate Living[…]