Failing Forward
I am enjoying listening to John Maxwell’s minute with Maxwell. Presently he is giving inspiration for strength building. Today he challenges us to keep up the struggle. Yes, we will Read more about Failing Forward[…]
I am enjoying listening to John Maxwell’s minute with Maxwell. Presently he is giving inspiration for strength building. Today he challenges us to keep up the struggle. Yes, we will Read more about Failing Forward[…]
I love David Geurin’s post on Twitter about students doing their best with the skills they have learned. Geurin states, “Don’t write off students who struggle and label them as Read more about All Students do Their Best[…]
1. They view mistakes as learning opportunities. 2. They cultivate cool grey matter. 3. They become problem solvers. 4. They develop a growth mindset. 5. They are more creative. 6. Read more about What Happens When Students Own Their Own Learning?[…]
I love the following admonishment which was written by Om Mani Palme Hum: Useful your voice for kindness, Your ears for compassion, Your hands for charity, Your mind for truth, Read more about Take Care of Ourselves and Each Other[…]
I’ve always loved being part of a team. No matter what I do, I find team members. It was that way in the school system. Also as a professional speaker. Read more about Teamwork is Enjoyable[…]
I read a post by David Geurin this morning and it inspired me to share his thoughts. He said that he couldn’t prove this true but that he believes that Read more about Love What You Do[…]
Terry Small posted the following list of best doctors in the world: 1. Sunshine 2. Sleep 3. Exercise 4. Healthy diet 5. Self-respect 6. Family and friends 7. Gratitude 8. Read more about 8 Best Doctors in the World[…]
1. Never lie. 2. Never compare with others. 3. Never over-commit. 4. Never let someone over-commit. 5. Never attack a person. 6. Never give corrective feedback in public. 7. Never Read more about 17 Things Never to do When Giving Corrective Feedback[…]
I loved David Geurin’s post on Twitter about what education truly is. He states that “Education is about developing an identity as a learner. The goal isn’t to complete an Read more about Be a Thinker[…]
Terry Small posted the following scientific reasons to garden: 1. Contributes to improved social interaction. 2. Alleviates symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s. 3. Alleviates symptoms of depression. 4. Improves social Read more about 6 Scientifically-based reasons to Garden[…]