Hands On Learning
After reading Gavin McCormack’s article on the importance of students to learn by touching their lesson, it reminds me of the kind of learner I was. I’ve always had the Read more about Hands On Learning[…]
After reading Gavin McCormack’s article on the importance of students to learn by touching their lesson, it reminds me of the kind of learner I was. I’ve always had the Read more about Hands On Learning[…]
If we truly want racism to stop we have to start being the role model in our families, our schools and in our communities. Children are learning racism in their Read more about Racism Is Learned[…]
So much of what I read these days is a reminder that we must be daily grateful for our life, be it our health wealth of happiness and success or Read more about Daily Gratitude is Crucial[…]
I was inspired by Terry Small’s list of things never to stop doing in our lives: 1. Never stop believing. 2. Never stop encouraging. 3. Never stop trying. 4. Never Read more about Nine “N’s” For Your Life[…]
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.” This quote reveals a simple truth: how you think impacts your results in either a positive or Read more about How You Think Impacts Your Results[…]
David Geurin posted the following points about how important teachers are: 1. You inspire change. 2. You educate for equity. 3. You’re there for your students when they hurt. 4. Read more about 2020 Is Showing us Just How Important You Are[…]
The word ‘Teacher’ is not to be taken literally. As teachers we are more than a vessel to transmit information into the minds of our children, we are a lot Read more about What We Forget About Teaching![…]
Leadership First posted an inspiring article about how important respect and courtesy are for all organizations. I love his quote saying, “When employees respect each other and get along in Read more about Respect and Courtesy Lead to a Successful Organization[…]
Leadership First posted an interesting article on stress and our attitude. We cause most of our stress by the way we respond to situations, not the way life is. Change Read more about Change Your Attitude[…]
Terry Small posted the following 13 “M’s” to be this week: 1. Be miracle-minded. 2. Be magical. 3. Be magnificent. 4. Be meditative. 5. Be magnetic. 6. Be merry. 7. Read more about 13 “M’s” To Be This Week[…]