Every day should be a day of gratitude. Since today is the American Thanksgiving, Ive read a lot of gratitude comments on social media. However, I challenge you to be grateful every day of the year.
I make it my practice to do a gratitude mantra twice a day every day. I learned about this practice from many teachers who believe in the power of intention.
Wayne Dyer was my first teacher. I’ve literally devoured most of Dyer’s books and podcasts over the years. Dyer helped me through many low periods in my life. His works inspire me to be intentional about my gratitude whenever I am tempted to go to the negative.
Deepak Chopra has also inspired me to be more contemplative and in the moment through mindfulness and meditation. Always be grateful for what you have and you draw positivity into your moments.
I am grateful for all my followers and for another day of gratitude and appreciation to make a difference in someone’s life. Happy Thanksgiving Day!