Our paradigms are often incomplete, inaccurate, or completely messed up. Therefore, we shouldn’t be so quick to judge, label, or form rigid opinions of others, or ourselves, for that matter. From our limited points of view, we seldom see the whole picture, or have all the facts. In addition, we should open our minds and hearts to new information, ideas, and points of view, and be willing to change our paradigms when it becomes clear that they’re wrong.
- Think of someone you do not like and write down why not as well as what you actually know of that person. Think, Pair, Share.
- Find a children’s book about kids not getting along. In groups of 2 or 3, share the book with each other and then write down the paradigms they have of each other. (Sean Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids has lots of good examples). Share with the class.
- Think of a loved one or close friend who has been acting out of character lately. Consider what might be causing them to act that way. Write down what you came up with and check with that person if they’re willing to chat.